Name: Sarah Thomas BDAY: February 1st 1981 Residence: Kentucky Fav artist: A. Mucha Q.Do you sell your orignal drawings? Yes, I do Q. Where does your inspiration come from? Pretty much anything. Q. Do you use models? Sometimes, but mostly the ideas come straight from my mind. Q. Which art classes have you taken? The normal, required art classes through elementary and junior high. In highschool Adavanced Placement art and Art Honors class at The Art Academy of Cincinnati. College I took Graphic Design and some fine art classes. Q.Do you have any advice for drawing? Have patience. Q. Which mediums do you use? I use computer graphic software( Illustrator 10.0, Freehand 10.0 etc.) and I also do traditional drawing and painting. Q. How long does it take you to draw a picture? It varies alot.
All illustrations on this website are copyright © Sarah Thomas 2006 and beyond. It is prohibited to redistribute, alter or publish these images without permission. For information on using them contact Sarah at